Sunday, August 22

HoW the...

It's just gone dark at 3:30pm, as a summer storm hits my little town of Siegburg.  There are hailstones exactly the size of peanut M&M's (I know, I have just comfort eaten half a packet) battering my fuschias, and poor little Seville, never the bravest of cats is cowering under the kitchen table as the forked lightning appears in the strangely colourless sky...

It is August...  it is summer for crying out loud!  
It does match the rather torrid day I have had so far, but I am struggling to imagine HoW hot & humid it is half a world away...

1 comment:

  1. Hot and humid may even be understated for our New Orleans HoW-fest... Arrrrrgh! I might as well dress as a mop.
